-ceive- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning get, receive.
- receive v.收
- conceive v.孕育
- deceive v.骗
- perceive v.感知
-cise- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning cut (down). It is related to -cide-(kill)
- precise adj.准
- concise adj.简洁
- excise vt.去除
- pirate 海盗
- private 私人
- intend v.意图
- intent adj./n.目的
- intense adj.紧张、强烈
- intensive adj.密集
- incentive adj./n.激励
- journal n.期刊
- journalist n.记者
- journey n.旅程
- adapt v.适配 adapter 电源适配器
- adopt v.收养
- adept adj./n.专家
- delicate
- dedicate
- deligent
- relay v.转发
- rely v.依赖
- reply v.回复
- tournament
- tourism
- manipulate vt.操作
- manufacture vt.制造
- compete /kəmˈpiːt/ vi.竞争
- competitive adj.竞争
- competent adj.可胜任
- vocation n.职业
- vacation n.假期 vacant vaca 跟空有关,自然假期是 vaca
- college n.大学
- colleague n.同事
- premier n.总理
- premiere n.首映
- principle n.准则
- principal adj.主要的 n.校长院长
- prior adj.事先 n.院长
- prime * adj.首要、优质 n.鼎盛时期 vt.事前 adv.妙极
- primer n.底漆、入门书
- premium adj.优质 n.保险费
- apportion 分配,这词居然是 vt! vt! vt!
- subsist vi.生存度日
- sustain v.维持、支撑
- substitute v.n.adj.替代
- substance n.物质、主旨、重要性
- substantial adj.大量
- stretch v.伸展
- scratch v.划挠
- sketch v.n.速写
- from scratch 从零开始
- habit n.习惯
- inhabit vt.栖息于
- habitat n.栖息地
- habitation n.住处
- inhibit vt.抑制
- prohibit vt.禁止
- precede v.To go before, go in front of. 先于
- proceed vi.继续做
- potent adj.强效
- potential adj.n.潜在可能
- potency n.效力
- vogue adj.n.流行时尚 trend, in fashion
- vague adj.模糊 Ant: precise
- grin v.😁
- grim adj.严峻 严肃 阴森 令人沮丧
- infer v.推断
- inferior adj.n.下等
- meddle vi.干涉
- medal n.vi.奖牌
- muddle n.vt.懵逼
- glare 怒目
- glance 一瞥
- proactive
- provocative
- diverge vi.
- divert v.
- diversion
- incidental 顺带发生的
- coincidental 同时发生的,也就是巧合 What a Coincidance!
- accidental 意外的
- scrape [skreɪp] v.
- scrap [skræp] n. a scrap of x
- inherit v.继承
- inherent adj.内在
- balk /bɔk/ v. to be unwilling to do something or let something happen
- bulk /bʌlk/ n. something very large, or a large amount, not divided into smaller parts
- bulb /bʌlb/
- stable adj.
- staple n. a basic food, or a main product or material
- apprise Syn: notify
- appraise Syn: evaluate
- praise
- vigor n.活力
- rigor n.艰辛、僵硬
- pole
- pale
- pore
- lodge n.small house, v.rest
- ledge film: man on the ledge
- pledge
- plague
- endorse 背书
- endure 忍耐
- endeavor 努力
- endow 授予 bestow
- sheer
- shear v.剪羊毛
- erect v.竖起
- eject v.驱逐,弹射
- crow
- crowd
- crown
- drift
- draft
- surgeon A surgeon is a doctor who is specially trained to perform surgery.
- surgery
- whereby conj. by which way or method
- whereas conj. but
- hereby adv. by this statement, action, or law
- abroad
- aboard
- legitimate adj. allowed according to law, or reasonable and acceptable:
- legislate v. to make laws
- legible adj. can be read easily
- evacuate
- excavate
- aerobics
- acrobatics
- involve 卷入
- revolve 围绕
- evolve 发展
- devolve 下放权力
- revolt 反叛
- provoke 挑拨
- CE Common Era
- BCE Before the Common Era
- AD Anno Domini
- BC Before Christ
- forage 觅食 search for provisions
- forge 铸
- sensor n.传感器
- censor vt.审查 n.审查员
- humidity
- temperate adj.温和
- temper n.脾气 vt.使温和
- temperature n.气温
- temporary adj.暂时
- contemporary adj.当代
- civil adj.
- civilian n. adj.
- civilization n.
- extent n.程度
- extend
- numerous
- numerical
- squirrel n.松鼠
- quarrel v.n.口角
- quarry n.采石场,猎物
- arise [əˈraɪz] problem arises, get out of bed
- rise [rɑɪz] moves upwards, stand up, get out of bed
- raise [reɪz] move something so that it is in a higher position, increase, improve
- device /dɪˈvaɪs/
- devise /dɪˈvaɪz/
- mercantile adj.商业
- merchandise n.商品 vt.推销
- diameter
- perimeter
- radius
- approach v. n. come near, deal with
- intervention n.
- intervene v. positive, mediate
- interfere v. negative, interpose, impede, hinder
- interval
- interim
- grain
- grind
- crave v. beg, need, desire
- carve
- cave
- cavity
- flush
- blush
- expanse
- expense
- distinct
- distinctive
- variety
- gas 瓦斯、汽油(气)
- gasoline 汽油(美)
- petrol 汽油(英)
- petroleum 原油(原)
- descent ascend
- decent
- culminate vi.达到顶点、以……告终
- culmination n.托福常见词,顶点、终点、高潮
- cumulative adj.累计
- hilarious adj.滑稽
- delirious adj.爽爆
- humiliate vt.羞辱
- ethic adj.n.伦理
- ethnic adj.n.种族民族
- aesthetic adj.n.美学审美
- moral n.道德
- mortal n.凡人 adj.终将死亡
- corpus 语料
- corpse 尸体
- canal n.运河、食道
- channel n.频道
- cardinal n.红衣主教
- cardiac 心血管的
- predator 捕食者
- depredate v.掠夺 plunder
- prey 猎物
- vowel 元音
- vow 誓言
- circle n.圆 v.圈起来
- circulate v.流通
- circular adj.圆的、循环的
- cycle n.周期、自行车
- allege /əˈledʒ/ v.声称
- allergic /əˈlɜːrdʒɪk/ adj.过敏
- content n.内容 adj.满意 vt.满足
- contend v.竞争、主张
- dissipate
- disperse